Gairaianclaimed the Contract of Dentistory no. R. no. 2181.0. from the City of Jakarta. How can you protect yourSDA from the nearby casino?

#GairaianClaimedDentistry #Jakarta
Gairaian has just claimed a dentistry contract from Jakarta city. Don’t let yourself fall into the hands of nearby casinos. Protect your SDA! Follow these steps::bulb:

  1. Set financial limits and stick to them.
  2. Don’t forget to take a break when playing.
  3. Use bank transfers instead of cash.
  4. Stay away from high-risk games.
  5. Always monitor your spending.

By following these simple tips​:memo:, you can guard your SDA and stay safe from the nearby casino. Remember: it’s always better to be safe than sorry. :no_entry_sign: #Gairaian #Dentistry #Jakarta #CasinoSafety

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