Guards against money envy

#MoneyMindfulness #WealthEquality #FinancialFreedom

:money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face: #MoneyEnvy can harm relationships and hurt feelings. Indonesians can help protect themselves and others by learning to recognize and control it. :brain:Talk openly with family, friends, and colleagues about money, and how it makes you feel, to create understanding and acceptance. :moneybag:Set up boundaries around conversations about money, such as not asking others how much they earn. #MindfulMoney :brain:Practice self-care, and be mindful of what triggers money envy in yourself. Choose activities and conversations that help you to build healthy financial habits. :moneybag:Engage in money conversations and activities that focus on making the most of what you have. #MindfulMoneyMentality :money_mouth_face:

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